Shane + Amy’s Engagement – Temecula, CA

Well. I said I would blog again and I slacked. Badly. Apparently the start of the holiday season/midterms and finals isn’t the best time to start over on your blogging journey. Lesson learned! It’s been over a month since my last/first post but I promise, I will keep up with it this time! I have lots to share so I’m going to make time! 

Meet Shane + Amy

A few months ago, Shane decided he was going to ask Amy to be a Bennett. He waited until the perfect day and took her on a little walk down memory lane before he popped the question. They started the day with a drive in a little mazda convertible down to Del Mar where they walked around for a bit then made a pit stop for lunch.  In-N-Out, of course, because who could turn down a yummy burger while driving up PCH, amiright? They made it to Carlsbad and decided to stroll along the boardwalk where they so conveniently came across the perfect jetty. They made their way about half way out and Shane found the perfect rock to take a knee on. He asked Amy to spend the rest of her life with him and she said YES!  

Fast forward about a week and lucky for me, I got to take their engagement photos! We met at my absolute favorite winery, Danza Del Sol and frolicked through the vines and snapped a few photos of her gorgeous ring and their love for each other. 


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Hi, I'm Shelly.